It was banded in New Jersey in 1967, and found alive, but injured in Michigan in 1983. The oldest recorded Red-winged Blackbird was 15 years, 9 months old.One California subspecies of the Red-winged Blackbird lacks the yellow borders to the red shoulders (epaulets) and has been dubbed the “bicolored blackbird.” Some scientists think this plumage difference may help Red-winged Blackbirds recognize each other where their range overlaps with the similar Tricolored Blackbird.Each morning the roosts spread out, traveling as far as 50 miles to feed, then re-forming at night. Winter flocks can be congregations of several million birds, including other blackbird species and starlings. In summer small numbers roost in the wetlands where the birds breed. Red-winged Blackbirds roost in flocks in all months of the year.Mud is used to shape and hold the nest together, and finishing touches of soft grass are added as a lining.
He chases other males out of the territory and attacks nest predators, sometimes going after much larger animals, including horses and people. What do Red-winged Blackbird nests look like Red-winged blackbirds construct cup-shaped nests, making full use of materials they gather from their marshland habitats, including reeds, mud and wet leaves.

Pairs are not monogamous males may have up to 15 mates at one time.
Download the audio file to listen.īreeding occurs from early spring through mid-summer. Your browser does not support the audio element. Males make a cheery, loud konk-la-ree or oak-la-ree during breeding season to draw attention to themselves and warn potential intruders. Males are easily identified in flight by their bright red and yellow shoulder patches. Owls, raptors and raccoons are a few of the red-winged blackbird’s predators. In winter, its diet switches to plants and seeds such as corn and wheat. This bird generally eats whatever it can find, including snails, frogs, worms, spiders and eggs, although it prefers insects such as flies, moths, dragonflies and butterflies in summer. Females are dull brown with dark streaks, and they often have a pale breast and pale eyebrow streaks. Immature males have feathers edged in orange, and may have some yellow on their shoulders.

Adult males are glossy black with red shoulder patches bordered in yellow.

Their tails are medium-length, and they have black, sharply pointed bills. Red-winged blackbirds grow to about nine inches in length with a wingspan of 12 to 16 inches.