Passepartout around the world in 80 days
Passepartout around the world in 80 days

passepartout around the world in 80 days


Fix is finally able to place him under arrest when they reach Liverpool, England on the last day of the wager, but is apologetic to Fogg when he learns that the real bank robber was apprehended three days before. PBS’ ‘Around the World in 80 Days’: TV Review. IN WHICH PASSEPARTOUT IS ONLY TOO GLAD TO GET OFF WITH THE LOSS OF HIS SHOES, : Read Around the World in 80 Days, by Author Jules Verne Page by Page. Even when the offer of reward money for catching the bank robber has expired, he is still motivated by a sense of duty to uphold the law and resolves to arrest Fogg regardless of if he is guilty or not. As Fix gets to know Fogg better throughout the journey, he begins to feel conflicted about arresting him since he observes that his suspect is a generous, courageous, and honorable man. Fictional biography Ironically, on Passepartouts first day at work, Fogg makes a bet with his friends at the Club that he can circumnavigate the world within. (1873) Around the World in 80 Days Paris, France: Routledge Readability: FleschKincaid Level: 8.0 Word Count: 2,659. Passepartout refuses to believe that Fogg is the robber but agrees to ally himself with Fix since they both have the same goal of helping Fogg reach England as quickly as possible. He has a resourcefulness and a dash of courage and anarchy, which Fogg lacks. Fix manipulates Passepartout by pretending to be his friend in an attempt to gain information about Fogg and delay their travels, and eventually confesses his true identity and motivations to him. Passepartout has seen a lot of the world. He is continually waiting on an arrest warrant to arrive in each country they pass through, since he can only legally arrest Fogg on British territory (England, India, Hong Kong, or Yokohama).

passepartout around the world in 80 days

Fix believes that Fogg’s wager of traveling around the world in eighty days is a cover-up for his escape from London, and decides to follow him and his servant, Jean Passepartout, on their adventure. Detective Fix is an inspector from the Scotland Yard who suspects Phileas Fogg of robbing the Bank of England.

Passepartout around the world in 80 days